Sunday, December 7, 2008

Let me tell you what to do!

Let me tell you what to do!

You learnt all your life by learning what the newspapers told you, what your parents mouthed, what your friends chose, what your neighbors supported, what your music advocated, what your colleague declared, what your teacher predicated, what you heard, saw, breathed, felt.

So, now, hear me out.

Cut the distaste, leave the apathy, forget the frustration, fuck the anger.

Move on. It sounds brutal in the wake of bringing the very politicians you elected down; of putting down the very media you consume everyday.

Move on. It sounds insensitive in the time of honoring the very dead NSGs whose existence surprised you, the coming together of the very citizens with whom you were trying to compete with for jobs and admissions.

What else can one do! We are trying to be constructive here! We are learning from our mistakes! People are coming together through rallies and marches, people are caring once again and the citizen’s movement is reawaking.

I am all for it. Just hear me out on this last one.

You want to do something, change yourself, embody the values of someone who is just, sensitive and strong. Participate in the political process. Hold yourself accountable. It sounds like I am simplifying the matter – but on a basic level, it is about “being the change you want to see in the world.” Live the very exemplar in yourself.

Sometimes the strength is not in numbers, it is in the sentiment, it is in you.

I rest my case.


Hena said...

I have been trying to say this for a while now. Excuse me while I go dodge some ignorant bullets now.

A Thought Experiment said...

i so know what you mean, this is my desperate attempt to make sense of the trememndous amount of talk that has resulted since the 26th.

v_d said...

Completely agree with your point of view. Everyone is suddenly feeling unsafe, they want change, they don't know where to go, what to do. They feel insignificant. So in the meanwhile, till they find out something that they CAN do, all that they can do is talk and talk a lot of bull at that.
Thats where doing your own little thing comes in. Be responsible. Like Gandhi said, be the change you want to be. And also another quote from him, which would also put things into perspective is - “Almost everything you do will seem insignificant, but it is important that you do it”.

A Thought Experiment said...

“Almost everything you do will seem insignificant, but it is important that you do it”
I like that!
resonates with me:)

Prashanth said...

little things makes big changes... this is something that needs to be understood and learn't...individual change leads to community change... and we forget...and history repeats itself... and we re learn and unlearn till we all will reach the brink where one more error will lead to tota annihilation... and we will finally realize and change and term it the NEW ERA... I prefer dinosaurs... they did not have a choice or a mind... our only advantage is our peril. :) loved the post...